Legal Services
Our expert witness service is led by our Managing Director, Dr Rachel McCormick (learn more>) and Clinical Director, Dr Leanne Tidsey (learn more>).
As you would expect all of our experts are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and undertake proper and meaningful clinical supervision. We also consider it of importance that our experts also have ongoing clinical practice as well as providing expert reports.
Personal Injury and Medical Negligence Referrals
Socrates accepts referrals directly from solicitors and from intermediary agencies to assist in the assessment and understanding of the impact of distressing events on psychological well-being. Socrates will provide diagnoses (using ICD and/or DSM) and advise on the psychological impact of trauma on the individual, prognosis and appropriate therapeutic interventions.
Reports have been prepared under joint instruction and, in more complex cases, for claimants and for defendants. Our fixed fee personal injury and medical negligence expert reports are accessible, concise and timely (completed within 8 weeks of referral and often sooner). Our Dr Tidsey is an Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) Expert.
Clinicians are available for brief telephone consultation prior to instruction.
We are able to provide such assessments on children, young people and adults at both our Huddersfield and Bolton bases.
We have been providing such reports since 2007 and undertake approximately 120 per annum. Our clinicians have experience of attending professionals' meetings and conferences with other experts, preparing joint statements and giving evidence in court in challenging cases.
We can offer favourable payment terms to solicitors, please simply contact us to discuss further.
Criminal Law Referrals
Socrates clinicians undertake reports for the court in criminal law proceedings where mental capacity or mental health issues are relevant. Socrates clinicians can give an opinion on mental health problems, forensic risk, substance misuse, personality disorders, domestic violence and related issues. Cognitive ability, neuro-developmental problems (e.g. autism) and learning disabilities can also be assessed.
Socrates clinicians with expertise in learning disabilities are available to carry out assessments in criminal law proceedings where learning disability may be a contributing factor.